
Stall Design India


We, at focus design have been advocating for the formation of a trade association for a very long time. Having an association of stall designers and fabricators Focus Design

We, at focus design have been advocating for the formation of a trade association for a very long time. Having an association of stall designers and fabricators

Since civilization, humans have sought solace in functioning in groups and seeking counsel, assistance as well as justice from organized institutions. In modern times, different trade entities do the same by forming associations for preserving a sector’s common interest and protection from threats and unlawful and unethical practices. Sadly, in India, there are no such associations for the stall designing industries. Resultantly, the sector functions in a very spontaneous manner, preserving its own interests instead of safeguarding the interests of the sector as a whole.
We, at Focus Design, have been advocating for the formation of a trade association for a very long time. Here are some of the ways that this will help.

Safeguarding of common interests:

Against exhibition organizers and exhibition participants, stall designers and fabricators, many times, feel helpless. Having an association will help the stakeholders in the sector to come together and present a unified front against them. This will not only help resolve isolated and individual conflicts amidst these entities but, in the long run, will also help the sector improve its functioning and its standing.

Helping in conflict resolution:

Just as any other sector, the stall designing sector too witnessed many conflicts between different entities, vendors, exhibition organizers, and participants. These can be appropriately addressed if there is an association that dedicates time and resources to address the conflicts.

Dealing with vendors/exhibitors/clients:

In the current scenario, the competition in the sector means that companies are ready to make unfair compromises, which unintentionally harms other entities in the sector. This also leaves room for external parties to exploit stall designers and take their undue advantage. A trade body can help present a unified front and deal with vendors/exhibitors/clients to penalize or blacklist them. This will safeguard the interest of all member companies and would prevent external parties from taking undue advantage or exploit the entities in the sector.

Keeping a check on unethical practices:

Within the stall designing sector, there are a lot of unethical practices that are fostering due to the competitive market. Having an association will have a system that drafts and enforces adherence to a set of guidelines. This will keep unethical practices in check, which will, in turn, benefit the sector as a whole.

Provision of loans:

Financial assistance at low or no interest rates in times of need is one of the major benefits that trade associations provide. In a sector where companies find it difficult to secure institutional funding, this is a major advantage.

Settlement of claims:

Settlement of financial claims in the case of bankruptcy is a delicate task that needs to be handled by an experienced and educated team of consultants. This is another major role that an association fulfills for any industry or sector.

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