
Stall Design - Meeting Industry Requirements

With experience spanning over a decade, we, at Focus Design, have come to understand that industry comes with a specific set of needs and requirements. For instance, a stall made for a jewellery company would be the polar opposite of a stall made for a heavy machinery industry. With a keen understanding of these needs, we offer end-to-end solutions for exhibition participants.

Stall Design - Shipping Exhibits for Stall

Shipping of exhibits & processing documents often prove to be a task for participants of overseas exhibitions. We, at Focus Designs, provide end-to-end solutions, which includes helping our clients with the shipping of exhibits and documentation.

Stall Design - Collaboration

Often in an industry, entities tend to focus more on the competition rather than contemplating ways in which collaborations would benefit them individually as well as collectively. We, at Focus Design, have always welcomed collaborations and partnerships as our contribution to the exhibition industry’s growth.

Stall Design - Helping Select Right Stall

How many times do exhibition participants lose out on benefiting from a brilliant opportunity because their stall is stuck in some obscure corner nobody bothers to visit? Doesn’t the same happen when one books an open stall aiming to gain maximum visibility but the stall ultimately ends up being used as a passageway?
To avoid such results and to gain most from your participation, we, at Focus Designs, always recommend that a participant seeks the expertise of a stall designer even before booking a stall.
This is one of the many ways in which Focus makes a difference!

Stall Design - Accomplish your Exhibition Objective

Having a right partner for all your exhibition needs is crucial if you wish to make most of your participation in an exhibition. This makes a difference on many levels, one of the most important of these is helping you accomplish the objective of your participation. At Focus Design, we take pride in understanding your objective and working towards it right from the beginning. So much so, that we consider this at the conceptualisation stage itself.
This is how, Focus makes a difference!

Stall Design - Elevating Your Brand Value

Amidst a market that is extremely competitive and an industry where every other stall designer claims to give a better service at a lower cost, we are often asked – Why FOCUS DESIGN?
Well. for starters, we elevate your brand value!

Stall Design - True to Brand Philosophy

Apart from a distinct identity, every brand has a philosophy. For a stall designer, it is very important to understand this, and create a design that aligns well with the brand.

Stall Design - Optimise ROI

There is no contention in the fact that participation in an exhibition demands resources, both pertaining to time and money. However, with the right exhibition partner, a participant can convert such expense into fruitful investment. We, at Focus Design, have been helping our partners in this regard, by helping the optimise on their ROI.

Stall Design - Brand Recall Value

One of the most common agendas behind participation in exhibitions is enhancing the brand recall value. This objective can be accomplished with a well thought-out stall design and some strategic planning. But the easiest way to do this is by partnering with the right stall designer and fabricator, like Focus Design!

Stall Design - Pre & Post Exhibition Support

Few understand the demands of participation in an exhibition. Resultantly, many organisations that contract a stall designer/fabricator feel exhausted with the work that is to be done before and after the exhibition. We, at Focus Design, have always provided 360 degree solutions, which include complete support when it comes to pre and post exhibition work.

Stall Design - Train Hosts

It is crucial for a participant in a trade show to ensure that the hosts/hostesses manning the stall are duly trained, to be able to communicate with the visitors effectively and rightly project the brand image. For this, Focus Design, helps its partners with the training of such candidates.

Stall Design - Garner Traffic

The most common parameter to gauge the success of a participation in an exhibition is the number of visitors at the stall. And rightly so! However, to accomplish this, the hosts need to strategize ways to engage them constructively. We, at Focus Design, have always accomplished this by making this strategization a part of the conceptualisation of the stall design.

Stall Design - Keep Backup Ready

The single most cause of failure for any endeavor is the lack of a contingency plan! We, at Focus Design, always have a backup plan ready to ensure that our clients don’t bear the burnt of unforeseen circumstances.

Lockdown Business Lessons

exhibition booth design - to use our time more productively

Like happiness, productivity is also a state of mind. It arises from a can-do attitude and applies to both; personal as well as professional sides of life. This valuable trait is the most tested one in current times when discipline has to come from within and there are no deadlines looming over us.

exhibition booth design - business lessons

There are many expenses that an organisation needs to incur to remain functioning. Some of the basic expenses include rent, electricity, and communication (phone and internet bills). Thus, for times when income is low, an organisation should be able to bear such expenses. For this purpose, an organisation should always have a contingency reserve fund that can be used in such times.

exhibition booth design - business lessons

A very important lesson that entities across the world are now forced to acknowledge, is that a lot can be saved if, instead of a physical meeting, people communicate through emails and conference calls. Most of the time, these are as effective and save fuel, time and effort.

exhibition booth design - business lessons

While in the pre-lockdown era, employers used to stress that people be physically present in the office, the lockdown has taught many that if the nature of work permits, disciplined employees will deliver from wherever they are. The employers, henceforth, will be comfortable allowing their team to work from home and save time and money on the commute.

exhibition booth design - to- have - multiple - sources of -income

Putting all eggs in one basket has been discouraged since time immemorial. This applies to businesses too. Having multiple sources of income gives businesses a better chance at survival, especially when the markets are unfavourable.

exhibition booth design - always - have - a paln - B

The COVID19 pandemic brought the world economy to a grinding halt and the small businesses are the most to suffer. Nevertheless, it is also teaching us lessons that would help us effectively ride the next wave of uncertainty.
The first lesson that can be learnt from this is that one always has to have a Plan B, because the market is always full of uncertainties. Just think, 4 months ago, no one could have envisaged the terror created by a then unknown virus, that too across the globe. Having alternate plans is thus always a wise idea as one doesn’t know what could go wrong, when and how.

What We Learnt From The Lockdown

exhibition stand design - to give- nature -its space

We humans have been encroaching upon nature’s space for a very long time. Not even nature’s retaliation through climate change and increased pollution could deter us or make us mend our ways. However, during the lockdown, nature got a chance to reclaim some of its space and resources. We can see wildlife roaming in urban areas, rivers getting cleaner and air getting a little more breathable. This has made us realise that we do need to keep a check on our rampant disregard for nature and its resources. This is certainly one of the most important lessons that we learnt during the lockdown.

exhibition stand design - the world is a- good place- to live

As we are staying indoors to save life & humanity, we realise how much we miss the world out there, that, only a few months ago, was our oyster. While we are struggling to save the world as we know it, we have learnt that it is a good place to live, and is definitely worth saving!

exhibition stand design - not to stop - counting - our blessings

Life is full of blessings but we seldom pause to appreciate them. Now that the lockdown has given us enough time to do so, we not only feel blessed for the big and small gifts that we are bestowed with, but have also learnt how good it is to appreciate them. The only task remaining now is to vow not to stop counting our blessings when the lockdown is lifted.

exhibition stand design - to be more - compassionate

Difficult times can bring out the best… and the worst in us. In such times, it is upon us to lean on the more compassionate side and hold on to our humanity. This time, as every entity in the world is truly in this together, we have learnt to lend a helping hand to the less fortunate and be compassionate towards all; people, animals, and the environment!

exhibition stand design - what we learnt from the lockdown

Who would have ever thought that a day would come when we would be restricted from going on long drives, visiting friends and family, hanging out with friends, planning trips, eating out, shopping, and whatnot! Nevertheless, the day is here and we are missing the small joys that made our days beautiful and worth living.
One very important lesson that the lockdown has brought, is not to take these liberties for granted, and cherish these seemingly small moments in life, that truly make it large.

exhibition stand design - to be kinder towards- our environment

The world will now most likely be referred to as pre and post COVID. This is also true for us, as individuals, as organisations and as humans. The virus, and the lockdown it has resulted in, has been a great learning period for us all. And the first, and the most prominent of these is that we need to be kinder towards our environment. The lockdown has resulted in reduced carbon footprints, better water quality in rivers like Ganga and Yamuna, sightings of rare birds, wandering of wild animals into cities, reduced energy consumption, and many more such. The biggest concern amongst environmentalists now is that these positive effects will reverse after the lockdown is lifted. But till it does, I hope various entities can strategize ways to retain at least some of the benefits caused in this period. And as far as individuals are concerned, we need to consciously start making smart decisions that affect the environment as little as possible.

What To Do During A Lockdown

stall design - play borad games

Board games are not only things that carry our childhood memories, but are an activity that helps us exercise our mind, while entertaining us. And with the wide range of games designed for adults, there is no reason to take one out of the closet and put it to good use during the lockdown period!

stall design - connect- communicate- be compassionate

In a world where people are isolated, the terms connection and communication take a whole new meaning, and importance! And that exactly is the beauty of this lockdown, where physical separation does not translate into disconnection with the loved ones. If anything, we now have the time to pick up the phone and call our loved ones, and have long uninterrupted conversations. Physiologists concede that remaining connected with our loved ones will help us remain calm and compassionate amidst the pressures of the lockdown.

stall design - what-to-do-during-a-lockdown

We always wish to make changes in our life but never find the time, or the will, to make those changes. This is mostly because we feel reluctant to get out of our comfort zones. But now, as we are already pushed out of our comfort zones, and we have a 21 day long breather right in the middle of our busy schedules, just a little push will help us accomplish more than we think we are capable of. Also, the lockdown has compelled us to contemplate the possibility of a different world, one which is full of uncertainties. This should further motivate us to make positive changes in our life.

stall design - take-up-a-hobby

Board games are not only things that carry our childhood memories, but are an activity that helps us exercise our mind, while entertaining us. And with the wide range of games designed for adults, there is no reason to take one out of the closet and put it to good use during the lockdown period!

stall design - connect- communicate- be compassionate

Hobbies are always a good way to do what we like, spend our time productively, and feel refreshed in the process. However, in our busy schedules, we hardly get time to indulge in our hobbies. Nevertheless, as we are now locked down and are finding ways to spend our time, why don’t we take up a hobby?

stall design - catch up on your TBR

Amidst the lock down, while we are being reminded that fitness should not be compromised on, we are hardly being told to exercise our mental, spiritual and emotional muscles. Nevertheless, reading is an activity that can help us greatly in this regard. The time to catch on your TBR (To Be Read) list is indeed here.

stall design - Follow a three-day detox program

Detoxing our body is a simple process that helps us clear the toxins and retain what is healthy. The same principle, when applied to our homes and our minds, help us declutter effectively and reboot for a better life. And what better time to do this, than the lockdown period, when we have ample time on our hands and no career or social commitments to fulfil.

stall design - Resolve issuses with your loved ones

When we all are free from our respective careers and social commitments, finding time to emotionally connect with our loved ones becomes relatively easy. So now would be a good time to express our relationship concerns and resolve whatever differences we may have for a better tomorrow.

stall design - Connect with yours spiritual self

The chaos surrounding us, especially in the urbanscapes, leaves little scope for us to reconnect with our inner self. This is even more true when it comes to connecting with our spiritual selves. These days, while locked away from the noise surrounding us all times, we can use this time to connect with our spiritual selves and bring some calm back into our lives.

stall design - what to do during a lockdown

In times of crises, when we are bombarded with news regarding new developments almost round the clock, it becomes difficult to disconnect from the surrounding negativity. However, it is in such times, when the need to distance oneself from the news, to some extent at least, becomes important. If not, people might become doubly stressed and anxious, giving rise to issues related to mental health. Thus, it would be a good idea to allocate specific time slots for news, and to disconnect from it the rest of the day. This should create a balance and help people live optimistically.

stall design - what to do during a lockdown

While we are sitting at home and have little to do, and while we are craving communication more than ever, there is one lost art, that, if revived, could prove to be immensely therapeutic. This is the art of writing letters. Writing long letters, addressed to people we care about, could have a number of benefits, ranging from having better clarity in thoughts and becoming more compassionate, to improving writing skills and penmanship. Moreover, in these troubling times, well written letters would effectively mirror the times and people’s hardships.Such collections have a tendency of finding their way into history.

stall design - Learn a new skill

Most of us are not used to being locked down at home, with nothing to do! The unprecedented availability of time and energy is troubling us in more ways than one. However, there are some, who are using this time and opportunity wisely, by keeping themselves productively busy. One of the ways to do this is by using this time to learn new skills. There are a number of digital portals that can help us with this. Using these facilities would indeed be a wise idea.

stall design - Meditate

It is extremely important to maintain a mental calm amidst a chaotic situation. And currently, when the whole world is gripped with fear, uncertainty, disease and death, this becomes all the more important. To cope with this, many experts believe in the power of meditation. Apart from helping us remain calm, it also helps us control anxiety, maintain emotional health, helps fight addictions, amongst other benefits.
While we are extremely vulnerable, on emotional, mental and physical fronts, meditation is an activity that will help us sail through difficult times.

stall design - Clean your closet

Spending time indoors for a long time, especially if one doesn’t have much to do, could have a very detrimental effect on one’s mental health. Amidst the 21 day lockdown, this is a serious side effect that people would face. Hence, it is important to indulge in activities that help us cope and remain sane. One such activity is cleaning. It is a proven fact that cleaning has therapeutic qualities. It would thus be wise for people to clean out junk from their closets and rearrange them neatly. This helps people feel in control.

stall design - Sign up for an online Course

In the contemporary times, we have come to increasingly rely on the digital spheres. From shopping or banking online, to getting our daily dose of news and entertainment; we grab our smart phones and get things done. The only difference during the lockdowns is that we have no other choice. However, it will now be a conscious choice to use our time fruitfully instead of spending our days to Netflix & Chill. And one of the best ways to do that would be to enrol for an online course. In this regard, we are no less spoilt for choice than while ordering food from Zomato. From sewing & craft, to Coding; there is hardly anything that one cannot learn through an online course. So use this time well, and emerge a better skilled person after the lockdown.

stall design - what to do during a lockdown

The current situation renders not only our physical health vulnerable, but our mental health as well. Nevertheless, there are many small steps that one can take to live a physically and mentally life during the lockdown. One of them is maintaining a diary. It is a proven fact that penning our thoughts and feelings help us better understand them, which in turn, helps us better cope with them. This is particularly true during extraordinary times, like the current lockdown. This simple practice would go a long way in maintaining our sanity.
What is more, if written well, some diaries may well become cult classics, like Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl!

stall design - what to do during a lockdown

While we all are grappling with the fact that the world has turned upside down in just a few weeks, we all need to take responsibility for our own well-being, not only physical, but mental and emotional as well. And though at first some of us might enjoy working from home at our own convenience, it is soon going to cage in on us and we will start feeling confined and suffocated. At such times, it is important that we actively focus on certain aspects that will allow us to maintain our sanity. It is also important that we put this time and opportunity to its best use.

The urban hustle and the millenial life has the knack of keeping us constantly on our toes, leaving us little or no time to look back and take account of our life and our choices. Using this time to reflect a little on this would be a good thing to do!

A to Z of Exhibition Stalls

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Artwork

Well-designed artwork that tells a story to the audience can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the stall, and elevate its recall value as well. We, at Focus Design, have a dedicated team of designers that works towards a singular goal of creating a unique design and experience for every stall that we fabricate. If you too are you looking for an exceptionally well-designed artwork that helps your business stand out.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - BrandValue

Participation in an exhibition is an excellent way to elevate your brand value. This is one of the best takeaways of the entire venture. A competent stall fabrication company can help participants optimize on the opportunity by using the stall design, the conceptualization etc. to work wonders by effectively narrating a brand story and help the participant garner maximum visibility. We at Focus Design, always prioritize this aspect of the participation.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Conceptualisation

The conceptualization of a stall is the most important phase of stall design and fabrication. Also, it includes many variables. However, the stall needs to be built around one unique idea that tells a brand’s story. The objective of the participation is another factor that dictates this phase. Therefore, to create a unique experience, the visualisers, art directors, and designers need to brainstorm and come up with a winning idea that can help the exhibition stall stand out. Their work encompasses creating concepts keeping in mind the client’s needs and the latest trends. To conclude, every business needs an industry-driven smart concept that can fetch a good number of visitors at a tradeshow

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Design

The design of a stall is the aspect that creates the first and the most lasting impression. Moreover, it is a medium that communicates a lot about your brand. From the objective of the participation to the brand philosophy; there is hardly any aspect that isn’t reflected through the design. We, at Focus Design, always walk the extra mile to ensure that the design communicates this all, without compromising on the aesthetic value of the stall.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Engagement

Engagement with the audience is an aspect that demands, and deserves, due attention by exhibition stall designers and fabricators, right from the conceptualization stages. This is because this factor significantly affects the success of the stall owing to the fact that, in contemporary times, as more and more advanced means of communication are used, two-way communication is increasingly favored over one-way communication. Intriguing ways to rope-in the audience for engagement through innovative methods are therefore vital for any participation in the exhibition. This ensures that the audience does not lose interest by being mere spectators at a stall and that the brand recall value is enhanced.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Fabrication

The actual Fabrication of the stall is the most important aspect of participation in an exhibition as this is where the concept, design, and planning take shape and become a tangible reality. This needs to be done with utmost precision as many factors, like aesthetic finesse, functionality, and safety, rely on appropriate execution of the design, i.e., the fabrication of the stall.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Goals

For a participant in an exhibition, it is essential to understand what the objective of the endeavor is. The aim could be elevating sales, launching a new product/service, enhancing brand value, or any other such. In the absence of a clear understanding of a Goal, all the efforts towards preparation for the exhibition would go haywire. This is, therefore, the first question we ask of the participants before commencing the brain-storming work for conceptualization for a stall design and fabrication.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - HolisticApproach

A holistic approach, towards any project encompasses understanding each aspect of the endeavour and then taking responsibility for them. This ensures that all aspects are covered and and are in perfect synchronization.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Interaction

In an exhibition, it becomes extremely important for the participants to device ways that would encourage the visitors to interact with them. This makes the visit interesting and memorable, and encourages dialogue about the company and its products and services.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Journey

Participation in an exhibition is a creative journey that a company undertakes in order to grow and achieve objectives like boosting sales, updation of industry happenings and latest technologies, launch of a product or service, or help the brand value appreciate, amongst others. To make this journey smooth and memorable.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Knowledge

For any endeavor, it is of utmost importance to know every related aspect inside out. This is equally true when the responsibility of doing justice to a brand is concerned is entrusted to a stall designing and fabricating company.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Leadership

Since the process of designing and fabricating a stall involves a lot of entities to come together and work with a single vision, it is extremely important that our project head exemplarily demonstrates his/her leadership qualities. Leadership for us, therefore, is the capacity that helps us stand by our commitment, that of ‘Transforming Vision Into Reality’.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Management

Stall designing and fabrication is a very complex procedure. When juggling various aspects like designing, fabrication, resource procurement, client approval, assembly, dismantling, paperwork, and many other such, it is extremely important to be the best at management.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Newness

While working in the stall design industry for a long time has helped us gain experience, we have also understood how easy it is to fall into the trap set by monotony. We therefore, consciously strive to bring about s freshness and a newness in our designs.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Objectives

For a participant in an exhibition, it is extremely important to be clear about the objectives of the venture. We always encourage our clients to be clear and communicate their objectives with us honestly and effectively. During the process of designing the stall, our design team finds it extremely useful. But most importantly, this helps the participants ensure that the purpose of the endeavour is met.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Priorities

It is crucial that all the entities involved while participating in an exhibition set their priorities right. For the participant, this clarity helps in effectively communicating with the audience. For the stall designer and fabricator, i.e. us, this ensures that the stall is delivered on time and that no compromise are made.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Quality

For a stall to stand out in an exhibition, it is important for us curators, to not compromise on the quality of the elements/material used while fabricating a stall. We understand that top quality material will make a top-quality stall and that a top-quality stall will ensure maximum recall value for the visitors.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Research

A solid Research lays down a strong foundation for the conceptualization, designing and fabrication process of an exhibition stall or a trade show booth. We, at Focus Design, understand this and invest a lot of time and energies to do our homework. This has a number of benefits; from being able to stand out, to being relevant and to being able to deliver a successful stall ahead of the deadline.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Sophistication

Sophistication is a trait that is evolved and earned over a number of experiences. With our decade long experience in the stall designing industry, we at Focus Design believe we have developed this and have come to a point where we understand what sophistication stands for. Wiith every endeavor now, we try to harness Leonardo Da Vinci’s wisdom, that states that – Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Timeline

As a prominent stall designing company that has carved a niche for itself in the past decade, we have garnered most respect as an organization that delivers on time, if not ahead of it. This is mainly because, right from the start, we create a timeline that we strictly adhere too. Most importantly, our schedule leaves enough room for unforeseen contingencies.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Uniqueness

While the world has just about started valuing EQ (Emotional Quotient) as much as IQ (Intelligence Quotient), we at Focus Design are more besotted with the UQ (Uniqueness Quotient)!
Hence, whatever project we undertake, we always strive to bring a Unique element to the concept and design. With this approach, we have successfully fabricated stalls, not only across the country, but across the world. This has helped our work stand apart, and our organisation garner accolades.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Variety

Variety is the spice of life. It is also the spice for an exhibition stall and a cure for boredom. This is particularly true if a company participates repeatedly in exhibitions. We, at Focus Design, always try to bring something new to the table so as to retain the interest of the visitors and to ensure that the objective of participation is achieved.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - Workmanship

Workmen that have a solid grip on the craft are hard to come by, and hence highly valued in the stall designing industry. This is because, for a stall designer and fabricator, it is extremely important to entrust the execution of the design to the best of the workmen in the industry, so as to ensure that the execution of the design happens seamlessly, and with finesse. If not, all the work of the conceptualizers and designers would come to a naught.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - X-factor

We, at Focus Design, firmly believe that what sets one stall designer apart from another is that little extra that it brings. This X-Factor is what pulls the crowds and works wonders. In this era where each entity is vying for public attention, this becomes crucial.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z - You

“You” the client and the participating company in an exhibition, are the most important aspect that is at the center of our work throughout the process – conceptualization, designing and fabrication – of the making of a stall. This is how we have consistently remained true to the client’s philosophy and delivered a stall that does justice to the objective of participation in an exhibition. This seemingly small practice is what has set us apart and helped us stand ahead of many of our competitors. This is also a reason we believe that only a custom-made stall truly works in an exhibition, as a ready pop-up fails to cater to “You” and your needs.

Exhibition stall fabrication - A to Z Zing

For an exhibition stall, that is a set up that is put with the sole purpose of garnering attention, it is extremely important that the stall sports some zing. A little effort in this regard will ensure that the stall not only becomes the centre of attention, but also elevates its recall value

Do's & Dont's of Stall Industry

Exhibition Stall Design - Dos & Donts - Space Management

Don’t : Obstruct the movement of your visitors.
Do : do manage the space radically.

Exhibition Stall Design - Dos & Donts - Hosts

Don’t : Do not depend on the skills of your host/hostess.
Do : Do train them in your subject carefully.

Exhibition Stall Design - Dos & Donts - Behaviour

Don’t : Do not casual in behaviour while at the stall.
Do : Do maintain a decorum & be professional in your actions.

Exhibition Stall Design - Jargons - Illumination

What we say : We need to use a back-light to highlight the centre piece.
What we mean : We need to illuminate the exhibit from behind a translucent material.

Exhibition Stall Design - Jargons - Custom Made

What we say : All our work is on build and burn basis.
What we mean : All our stalls are custom made and are for one time use.

Exhibition Stall Design - Jargons - Support Overhead Structure

What we say : We will need a dean man
What we mean : We will need a temporary post during installation to support the overhead structure.

Exhibition Stall Design - Jargons - Open Design

What we say : The design will do justice to an end cap
What we mean : This design will be perfect for a stall that is open from three sides.

Exhibition Stall Design - Jargons - Good Display

What we say : We should use this artefact as an island exhibit
What we mean : We should display this artefact from all four sides

Exhibition Stall Design - Jargons - Truss

What we say : We need a truss
What we mean : We need a structure above the exhibit the lighting equipment could be hanged

Exhibition Stall Design - Jargons Fire Hose Cabinets

What we say : We need the arc
What we mean : We need to know the location of the fire house cabinets

Tip of the day

Stall Design - Tips - Serve Good Coffee

Tip of the day : Serve a good coffee at the stall to visitors
While the aroma of good coffee is a perfect allure for visitors to flock your stall, the time taken to nurse that cup of coffee can be used to communicate with them and inform them about your company. This considerably increases your chances of making a deal with them.

Stall Design - Tips - Don't Overdo Branding

Tip of the day : Do not overdo the branding
Many participants, while trying to make most of the marketing opportunity, go overboard with the company branding. However, visitors need not be reminded of who and what a company is again and again. This also clutters the design and takes away from the aesthetic value of the stall design. On the other hand, minimal branding works wonders as visitors enjoy being in such surroundings for longer as it is less overbearing. Also, simplicity translates into sophistication like no other factor does.

Stall Design - Tips - Do Not Dump Information

Tip of the day : Do not dump all the information on the walls of the stall
We are often asked by the participants in an exhibition to design the graphics of the walls of the stall in a way that it accommodates all the information that the participant wishes to pass on to the visitor. This however, is a huge put off. While at exhibitions, visitors prefer conversing with the stall hosts and understand the details, rather that reading about them. Moreover, such designs make little room for aesthetics and look chaotic.

Stall Design - Tips - Educate Your Hosts

Tip of the day : Educate your hosts and hostesses about your company philosophy, products and services
While participants in an exhibition make it a point to hire hosts/hostesses that are presentable, they should also ensure that they are have enough understanding of the industry in general, and your company in particular. Enlisting such personnel for your frontline has a great impact on the visitor to customer conversion ratio. On the other hand, if they are clueless on the face of an enquiry, it works as the greatest deterrent for the visitors.

Exhibition Stall Fabrication - Tip of the day - engaged with the help of technology

Tip of the day : The new age audience is not content with being a mute spectator to a branding monologue. On the contrary, technological advances, particularly the social media tools, have facilitated two-way communication, both in B2B and B2C sectors. It is therefore vital that a stall is conceptualized in a way that makes it more engaging. Technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality work wonders, so does live streaming. These tools can easily be deployed to create a lasting impression on the visitors.

Exhibition Stall Fabrication - Tip of the day - floor pan

Tip of the day : A common problem that our clients face while setting up a stall in an exhibition is utilizing the limited space in such a manner that it doesn’t look crowded. Facilitating easy movement of the visitors is another important factor that needs consideration. This task, though a little difficult, is achievable. With our decade long experience in the industry, we have learnt to design stalls in such a manner, that the visitors feel invited and comfortable, rather than being put off by crowds.

Exhibition Stall Fabrication - Tip of the day

Tip of the day : The expertise of a stall designer comes in handy while considering the best stall to book in an exhibition. An experienced designer will advise on many factors and choose the best stall for you as per the objective of the participation and as per your budget. They will also help you gain maximum visibility within your means.

Exhibition Stall Fabrication - Tip of the day - Documentation

Tip of the day : Oftentimes, additional permits etc. are required to be submitted by the exhibition organizers after the submission of the first set. Therefore, it is important to get in touch with the organizers and remain informed of any such requirements and ensure that the efforts and resources do not go down the drain.

Exhibition Stall Fabrication - Tip of the day - Set aside Special annual budget

Tip of the day : While setting aside a budget for marketing is a norm, such budgets, many a time, do not allocate resources for participation in an exhibition. Resultantly, participation in an exhibition is often perceived as an unaffordable additional expense and stall designers are asked to cut corners. However, in reality, such endeavours are profitable marketing opportunities that should be made most of.

Exhibition Stall Fabrication - Tip of the day

Tip of the day : Often, the participants of an exhibition are worried as the space at the stall seldom provides room for a large influx of visitors. For this, we advise our clients to encourage the prospective visitors to book prior appointments. This has many added benefits; it helps gauging the visitors’ interest, ensures special attention to special clients, and elevates the chances of translating into actual business.

Exhibition Stall Fabrication - Tip of the day - Cross-Check the stall dimensions

Tip of the day : Though the layout of an exhibition is designed well before the booking of stalls starts, we, many a times, have noticed that the layout has been altered and that the same has not been communicated to the client. This creates a massive problem for the stall designer and fabricator. Hence, we have made it a habit of cross checking the dimensions with the exhibition organizers at least once more during the course of designing of the stall.

Exhibition Stall Fabrication - Tip of the day

Tip of the day : Few entities understand the role that the design of the stall plays in making the participation in an exhibition a success. Fewer people understand the principles that are considered while designing a stall. Owing to this, many of our clients ask us to make compromises on the design, after it is finalized, in order to accommodate a few other factors. We, however, always advocate that the finalized design be sacrosanct and that other factors be aligned to it.

3D VS Reality

3D VS Reality : Continuing to showcase our work, we present another stall that we successfully created as per the 3D design approved by the client, in this case ABTL, for Kolkata International Poultry Fair 2020. As there are many clients that are apprehensive about our ability to fabricate a stall exactly as proposed in the 3D design, we take pride in the fact that we deliver exactly what we promise.

3D VS Reality : For us at Focus Design, our biggest feat is when it becomes difficult to differentiate between a 3D design and the pictures of the actual stall. We strive to accomplish this every single time and are successful most of the times. One such project was the stall we designed and fabricated for Scoda for Maastricht trade show organized in The Netherlands.

3D VS Reality : For the Vibrant Gujarat Summit, we had had an opportunity to design and fabricate a stall for MEGA (Metro-link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad). Following our time-tested process, we designed a stall and presented a 3D design to the client for approval. The client thus had a fair idea of what the stall will look like after completion. However, when the clients visited the actual stall, they were astounded at the stark similarity between the design and the stall and our seamless execution. This was one of the many instances where our execution of the stall design was highly appreciated.

3D VS Reality : The stall we designed and fabricated for the Water Resource Department for their participation in Vibrant Gujarat Summit was the exact replica of the 3D design we had created and pitched to the client. This brought us tons of accolades as it was exactly as per their expectations. Such projects not only reinforce our clients’ belief in us, but also bring us immense satisfaction as creators.

3D VS Reality : The stark similarity between the 3D designs we propose to our clients and the actual stall that we fabricate, sometimes baffle our clients. One such instance was when we created a stall for GEDA (Gujarat Energy Development Agency) for their participation in IITF-2017 exhibition at Rajkot. Though, off-late, more and more clients are expecting this from us. And we are always happy to deliver!

3D VS Reality : It is really a great feeling to see your vision translate in reality. This 3D design of stall for Gujarat Skill Development Mission executed by us in 2017 garnered a lot of appreciation from the who’s who of the industry.

3D VS Reality : The 3D design proposals that we create to help clients visualize the finished stall do just that and the clients know well in advance how the stall will look like. With the stall we created for Maxim Tube for their participation in SSW 2019 in The Netherlands, we continued to deliver on our promise of 100% execution as per the design. To know more about our work or to request a quote, call us on 079 40047701 or write to us on

3D VS Reality : Continuing to showcase our work, we present another stall that we successfully created as per the 3D design approved by the client, in this case ABTL, for Kolkata International Poultry Fair 2020. As there are many clients that are apprehensive about our ability to fabricate a stall exactly as proposed in the 3D design, we take pride in the fact that we deliver exactly what we promise.